Tuesday, November 4, 2014

WHY YOU......???

It is the most painful moment when i realize that you are far away from me....
Those dreams we shared are apart from destiny...
You are the one who gave me strength ,
for every crucial situations I faced.

Life is a choice for everyone to live....
But you were my choice to live this life..
You came to my life without my permission ,
And give me the hope to expect...

I always afraid to expect.....
Expectation gives pain....!!
Even though it is a pain ....I too love to expect..
I dont know when my heart starts to seek feelings...
But when feelings ruled me ....,
I lost my self and my world changed....

More to say...I cann't...
Need to say...I am afraid...
But my heart is compelling me...
You are not mine....I know .
But if you are not there to hear....,
how will my words find its meaning...??

It is easy to say a Good Bye...
But a Good Bye is not enough to forget what you give.....
Living in your memories are more difficult...
But I will.......

Thursday, August 14, 2014

"What we want to forget in our life will attack us deeply. Situations and peoples insist us to remember that..how bad......! This is the play of life....when we start to forget everything and try to believe in fate life opens its playground without our permission.....and we fight to survive........."

memories have the power to destroy us.....................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!