Tuesday, November 4, 2014

WHY YOU......???

It is the most painful moment when i realize that you are far away from me....
Those dreams we shared are apart from destiny...
You are the one who gave me strength ,
for every crucial situations I faced.

Life is a choice for everyone to live....
But you were my choice to live this life..
You came to my life without my permission ,
And give me the hope to expect...

I always afraid to expect.....
Expectation gives pain....!!
Even though it is a pain ....I too love to expect..
I dont know when my heart starts to seek feelings...
But when feelings ruled me ....,
I lost my self and my world changed....

More to say...I cann't...
Need to say...I am afraid...
But my heart is compelling me...
You are not mine....I know .
But if you are not there to hear....,
how will my words find its meaning...??

It is easy to say a Good Bye...
But a Good Bye is not enough to forget what you give.....
Living in your memories are more difficult...
But I will.......